Spinifex Brewing Company Acquires North Beach Deli!

February 3, 2023

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Spinifex Brewing Co (SBCo) have officially acquired the North Beach Deli! With settlement due to take place on the 13th February 2023, SBCo will be the proud new owners of this iconic, local institution.

SBCo will immediately be commencing operation of North Beach Deli (NBD) following settlement and are looking to slowly roll out an evening service in the coming months.  SBCo are proud to offer our shareholders, supporters, and locals an alternative evening hospitality experience, at this spectacular seaside location.

SBCo want to assure you that our top priority is to maintain and build on the highest quality of service that North Beach Deli and their excellent staff have offered its patrons, for so many years.

Spinifex Brewing Co CEO, Adam Barnards says:

On behalf of the team we are exceptionally proud to be making this announcement today, regarding the acquisition of North Beach Deli.

“North Beach Deli in its current form, is a great business however is currently only trading for breakfast and lunch service, so we recognise the significant opportunity to activate an evening trade with a focus on our award-winning Craft Beer range, Cocktails and Western Australian wine. Our Hospitality team led by our General Manager – Hospitality Phil Thompson is now hard at work to make this happen in the coming months with a plan to remodel, rejuvenate and reinvent the venue during the 2023 wintermonths.

With Zookeepers by Spinifex Brewing Co in Broome opening in March as well as our Nambeelup Production Facility due to open soon followed by our flagship Cable Beach Ale House in late 2023, this is shaping up to be a momentous year for our brand after the challenges and delays of 2022”.

‍NBD is the first among several, SBCo retail projects to be brought to life and we are excited to take over operation of a venue, that many North Beach locals have come to know and love. Plans for our proposed North Beach Ale House located next door, will be revisited following the completion of our Cable Beach Ale House.

We look forward to welcoming you and sharing a coffee OR a brew at North Beach Deli by Spinifex Brewing Co very soon!

For more information about this project, please contact:

Stephanie Power

Sales & Marketing Manager

Email: stephanie@spinifexbrewery.com