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Spinifex Brewing Co is delighted to announce that our Head Brewer, Tess Campbell and her team have commenced the first brew at our 24HL Brewing Facility in Nambeelup.
To celebrate, we sat down with Tess to understand a little bit more about the process and find out what she’s brewing up in her shiny new toys!
Yeast being added to the brewing tank
What beer are you brewing? What hops will you be using?
I will be brewing 25hL of F88 Lager. Melba is the primary hop utilised in the whirlpool and dry hop – it has a clean, spicy bitterness, though the dry hop presents summery characteristics of passionfruit, grapefruit and citrus. The perfect balance for a malt-forward, crisp lager.
How long will the brew take?
One brew usually takes about 8 hours on the brewhouse . Then you usually spend a few hours setting up and cleaning on each side. We should have it ready to go for packaging (and drinking) in a few weeks.
What makes this brew different from others?
Well, this is Brew number 1 on all the new equipment, it’s always a special moment.
What is your favourite style to brew?
All styles or malt profiles perform differently, even on a well-dialled-in brewhouse. The aroma of a stout while lautering is definitely a favourite and a perfect way to start the day off.
Are you taking enquiries for contract brewing? How can our readers get in touch?
Yes, if you’re interested in contract brewing with us please get in contact with our Production Director John at
Let’s chat to see what we can brew for you.
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