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It was a historic day for Spinifex Brewing Co as the WA State Government unveiled its first-ever “Craft Beer Strategy” which hopes to grow Western Australia’s craft beer sector, create jobs and promote the industry’s ‘paddock to pint’ tourism experience.
The industry-led strategy was facilitated by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development as a partnering initiative with the Independent Brewers Association, Western Australian Brewers Association and South West Brewers Alliance.
The Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC paid a visit to Spinifex Brewery Cable Beach
Spinifex Brewing Co’s Chairman Gavin McKay, Head Brewer Tess Campbell and the entire brewing team were in attendance at the official launch ceremony in Scarborough to witness this historic moment.
Raising a toast to the WA State Governments new Craft Beer Strategy
Meanwhile, in sunny Broome our CEO Adam Barnard hosted the Hon. Jackie Jarvis MLC Minister for Agriculture and Food; Forestry; Small Business at our very own Spinifex Brewery Cable Beach to launch the strategy. Adam was delighted to welcome the Minister to our new venue and she was treated to a tour of its impressive 6HL microbrewery which has already produced some incredible beers.
The Hon. Jackie Jarvis MLC said
“Western Australia is the craft beer capital of Australia, and we want to help the local industry continue to ‘out brew’ eastern states competitors and even quench the thirst of global markets.”
This new strategy is a truly groundbreaking development for Western Australia’s Craft Brewing Industry, as it not only recognises the sector’s contributions to tourism, agriculture and the economy but also creates a pathway for industry growth in the future.
While you're here

Footy’s back!

Congrats to the champions of last week’s Darron Jakeman Annual Beer Pong Championship, in partnership with Broome Explorer Bus!